Infiltration Catheters
Improve Practicable Usability – Infiltration Fenestrated Catheter
The infiltration catheter is the MEAN to implement the Continuous Wound Infiltration (CWI) postoperative pain therapy.
A. The function of the catheter
is to uniformly spread the medication along the surgical incision (or proximate
when placed inside sub-cutaneous/sub-muscles tunneled pass).
B. The surroundings of the catheters' infusing segment
Typically, the catheter is placed inside a "tunnel like" positioned in a muscle tissue
(created when the incision is closed over the catheter). In this
position, the catheter is exposed to low pressure of "body liquids" (~10 milibar).
C. Infusion Uniformity
1. Most of used infiltration fenestrated catheters gain the infusion uniformity by creating uniform internal
medication pressure along the fenestrated
segment and by multiple uniform size side holes located at uniform distance.
Typically an internal layer made of denes metal coil or denes meshed cloth sheet serve to create
the uniform internal pressure (as presented in FIG A)
2. The surrounding pressure around the catheter inside the "tunnel like" act and function almost as the denes metal
coil or denes meshed cloth
sheet; therefore, by applying "complementary aid" through unique side holes design an 80% uniformity
along the incision may be achived without
the need of internal layer in the infusing segment.
D. Cut-To-Size design
A unique design of the side holes (diameter and length) enables to mainatin 80% uniformity of medication spraed
anlong the incision while enable
the physician to cut the length of the infusing segment to the actual incision lengtThus, resulted with
1. Improve Practicable Usability
2. Significant cost reduction; dramaticaly reduces the number of SKUs
3. Reduced cases where the length of the infusing segment doesn't meet the actual incision length.
E. MFS uses Cut-To-Size fenesrtrated catheter in all SmartInfuser PainPump™
1. 140 mm infusing segment is the standard
2. 190mm is an optional.